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International Centre for Theoretical Physics-UNESCO

Dr. Joseph Niemela is a scientist emeritus at the Abdus Salam International Centre for Theoretical Physics (ICTP), a category 1 Institute of UNESCO located in Trieste, Italy. He has has served as a member of the permanent scientific staff since 2003, publishing over 125 research papers, and heading its Office of External Activities, Applied Physics Group, and Training and Research in Italian Laboratories (TRIL) programme as well as representing it as an observer on the SESAME Council. He is currently vice-chair of IUPAP Commission 13, chair of the Physics for Development group of the European Physical Society, Treasurer of the International Commission for Optics, co-Chair of the UNESCO International Day of Light Steering Committee and is a past-chair of the Forum on International Physics of the American Physical Society. He has received the Galileo Galilei Silver medal by the Italian Physical Society, the Dwight Nicholson Medal from the American Physical Society, and is an elected Fellow of the American Physical Society for his experimental contributions to turbulence research in both classical and quantum fluids. He is an elected Foreign Fellow of the Pakistan Academy of Sciences.

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