

Bruhn Jensen







University of Copenhagen

KBJs research examines the social uses and consequences of information and communication technologies, with special competences in communication theory and the history of media and communication. From the 1980s, he was a key figure internationally in work reaffirming the active role of media audiences in wider social processes of communication, integrating perspectives from the social sciences and humanities. Since the 1990s, he has concentrated his work on new digital forms of media and communication and on digitalization as a long-term and society-wide development with important local as well as global ramifications; he is Life Member for Service of the international Association of Internet Researchers and a Fellow of the International Communication Association. During the 2010s, KBJs research increasingly came to include culturally comparative and normative issues, as witnessed by his Carlsberg Foundation Semper Ardens project on internet use in three strategically situated world regions and by his recent monograph on communication and justice (2021). KBJ is a recipient of the Royal Danish Order of Dannebrog and an elected member of Academia Europaea.

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