United States / South Korea

Young Mie


Vice-Chair, Science and Methodology Committee

Young Mie Kim is a Professor of the School of Journalism and Mass Communication at the University of Wisconsin-Madison. Kim's research concerns data-driven, algorithm-based, digitally mediated political communication. Her recent research project, Project DATA (Digital Ad Tracking & Analysis), empirically investigates the sponsors, content, and targets of digital political campaigns across multiple platforms with a user-based, real-time, ad tracking tool that reverse engineers the algorithms of political campaigns. Kim's research, "The Stealth Media: Groups and Targets behind Divisive Issue Campaigns on Facebook" received the Kaid-Sanders Best Article of the Year in Political Communication (2018) awarded by the International Communication Association. Kim testified at the Federal Election Commission's hearings on the rulemaking of internet communication disclaimers. Her research on Russian election interference in the US presidential election was cited by the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence. Kim spoke at the European Parliament on her research on data-driven political advertising and inequality in political involvement.

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